CBSA Increasing Compliance Audits on Importers
As a result of the 2017 Spring Auditor General’s Report, Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) is stepping up their border enforcement measures and increasing compliance audits on Importers.
Recommendations to the CBSA from the Auditor General include:
- Collecting proper descriptions of imported goods at the time of entry;
- Increasing the amount of monetary penalties;
- Reducing the time period in which an Importer may request a refund or amend an entry;
- New mechanisms to increase the effectiveness of enforcement on controlled goods;
- Adjustments to the Duties Relief Program.
To view the full report, please visit Report 2 – Customs Duties on the Office of the Auditor General of Canada’s website.
With this announcement, it is a good time to review your import practices and ensure your vendors are providing accurate and complete information and data elements to your Customs Broker. As an Importer, you are 100% responsible for all information declared to CBSA regarding your shipments.
Compliance Audits by the Numbers
In 2016, the CBSA assessed almost $7,500,000 in penalties under the Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS). Moreover, Importers received 86% of these penalties. As the level of CBSA enforcement increases, the number of penalties and dollar amounts will also increase.